Communicate directly with your soul and move on with your life

Immediate Results

  • Clarity

    If you seek answers, look no further. Gain wisdom and perspective with the help of the cards and the guidance of your modern-day mystic.

  • Confidence

    When you are grounded in your knowing, you are powerful. Sometimes all you need is confirmation that you’re on the right path to hit the gas.

  • Connection

    Show up for self-care on a soul-level. Readings often leave you feeling connected with your true self, your future-self, and the universe.

"I’ve always been skeptical about tarot card readings and spirituality in general, but this changed my life. After just one reading with Jen, I realized how much I was letting my life be guided by fear - fear of change, fear of opening up, fear of anything I couldn’t break down with logic. Allowing myself to truly feel my emotions was terrifying, but the words Jen spoke to me that day were the exact words I needed to hear to enact change in my life. After being stagnant for so long, I was finally able to start moving in a direction of growth."

— Thy T.

No more overthinking for hours, days, or weeks

Tarot Coaching amplifies your intuition to show you your truth, grounds your energy, and opens your perspective to take clear, confident, and aligned action in one session

You get to simply come as you are-

Whether you’re:

  • feeling uncertain in life and want direction

  • feeling particularly anxious about starting a new relationship, or leaving one

  • feeling overwhelmed by your career and aren’t sure what you really want

  • feeling stuck in your business and want to know what’s blocking you

  • feeling frustrated in your healing journey and need new perspective

  • feeling optimistic in life and want to know if you’re on the right path

I intuitively lead all my sessions, and ensure proper spiritual protection is set up so I can safely and effectively facilitate the process in accordance with the highest love, truth, and integrity.

You won’t just get channeled messages and intuited insights, but you also get pragmatic guidance through life coaching to implement your newfound awareness and make the most out of what the universe delivers to you.

It’s a truly magical process to go through and I’m so looking forward to guide you through the journey of deeper self-understanding and soul-connection with these tools!


Intuitive Card Readings

A holistic approach to finding your truth and aligned next step in life

Get a read on where you are, what you really want in life, and how to get there (and get unblocked if there’s something in your way) through intuitive questioning and

  • Receive a personalized energetic grounding, clearing, and expansion to relax your mind, body, and soul before we begin

  • Get personal transmissions and spiritual counseling through tarot and coaching support to integrate the wisdom from the cards.

I won’t just be aligning your mind, but also your energy so once our session is complete, you will feel clear, confident, and energized to move forward in your life.

Lives Unblocked

Book an appointment

Demystify the Magic

  • Before we start your reading, I will ask you some questions to get a feel for your energy and get clarity on your current situation. Sometimes, the concerns you have melt with just a few questions that can clear away the surface level problem and reveal to you the truth of what’s going on.

    Then, I’ll help you craft a question or intention for the reading and we will begin grounding and connecting our energies.

    Finally, we’ll discuss your interpretation, my interpretation, and the deck’s interpretations to check for soul-resonance, and I’ll offer coaching perspectives and insights to help you decide what to do next to get the get the outcome you want.

    FYI- you may find it helpful to keep notes to refer back to during our session!

  • You don’t have to be afraid- here’s why: at the end of the day, you decide what to believe.

    Media and skeptics have really done Tarot dirty in taking something at face value, rather than taking the time to actually understand what it means (think- judging a book by it’s cover), which obviously like in any other area of our lives, can bite us in the ass, or keep us stuck and afraid.

    The “death” card in Tarot can actually be an incredible, illuminating, powerful, and beautiful card that represents the metaphorical death of: a past version of yourself, a pattern you can let go of now, a performative version of yourself, etc.

    Similarly, the “devil” card in Tarot

    While both of these cards can feel confronting and hold intense energies, they are not inherently “bad” or “negative. More often than not, these cards give rise to new opportunities, reminds you of your active role in your life, and reflects your ability to control your own fate.

    Like anything, how you use the information the card gives you and how you interpret it makes all the difference.

  • Here’s how this works- because you are currently, and always have been, connected to the cosmos (a.k.a. the Universe, Source, God, Buddha, etc.) as it is your soul’s home- you have access to a wealth of wisdom.

    But, as human beings we often experience situations, interact with certain people, or live with socialized beliefs that create interference with our inner knowing, a.k.a. our intuition.

    When this happens, our thinking brains don’t feel reliable, we feel resistance in our bodies, we are prone to overthinking, we second guess ourselves, we get stuck in fight-or-flight, procrastinate on making decisions, execute on plans with doubt, lead with our egos, and become incapacitated with fear.

    So how do you get out of that state?

    You clear the interference.

    Through intuitive questioning, coaching, and card pulling, I facilitate the re-alignment of your brain, body, and soul so you can clearly and courageously make decisions.

    Ready to download the codes to unblock your life, and come back home to yourself?

  • Tarot is a 78-card deck that follows a specific structure with set “suits” of the major and minor arcana, order, meanings, and messages- though the imagery and exact naming for each card may vary slightly (much like a typical playing card deck).

    Oracle cards on the other hand, are much more unstructured, with no set number of cards, and a plethora of messages and images that can come up. These decks typically draw upon a specific energy to channel their messages, for example spirit animals, planets, the moon, the divine feminine energy, or other cosmic signs.

    Both Tarot and Oracle are interpreted using the card’s name, the imagery, the numbers associated with it (if present), and the orientation and/or placement of the card in relation to the spread. Regardless of what you choose, both are capable of giving you incredibly accurate and insightful information that manifest your intentions.

    In your reading, you will have the option to choose a deck that resonates with you, and I can also help guide you to a deck based on what we’re working on.

    Your options:

    • The Classic Rider-Waite Tarot

    • Mystical Cats Tarot

    • Mystical Faerie Tarot

    • Child of The Universe Oracle

  • Not entirely, but it can feel like it and often times it can accurately predict outcomes given current patterns.

    Here’s the thing, in our shared reality, everyone has free will. Free will, will always take precedent.

    Readings that are done SPECIFICALLY with the intention of future prediction can reveal patterns, potential obstacles, or subconscious programming that is influencing our decisions. The cards can reveal to us our current energies, which are used to show favorable or unfavorable outcomes, and give advice or clues as to how we can stay on that path or change it.

    So let’s say you want to know if you will be married in the next year-

    The cards aren’t a Magic 8 ball that just gives you a “yes,” “no,” “maybe…”

    The cards will show you things like, “based on your current mindset and behaviors, it doesn’t seem like it. But, if you stopped toning down who you really are on dates, and maybe actually followed through on the boundaries you set to stop seeing someone at the first red flag, then you would give yourself a much better chance to actually find love and get married. Or, you can keep going down this path and yes, get married, but you won’t necessarily be satisfied and get the “happy ending” you’re fantasizing about.”

    The cards will always point you back to yourself and it’s up to YOU to use the gift of free will to create the reality you genuinely desire.

  • Speak from your heart, ask the question you REALLY are asking inside you, and make it quality.

    This is probably the most important, and the most difficult part when you’re first starting out. Hence, why I’m here to help facilitate and guide you to get the most out of your session.

    You don’t have to have super specific questions (in fact, sometimes that can be too stifling for the read), but you can also go deeper than just, “what do I need to hear today?” (which is still an awesome question if you just don’t know where to start/ want a general read). But, even simply narrowing it down to, “what do I need to hear today in regards to my relationship/ my job/ my health/ etc” can open up so many more insights that allow you to alchemize or play with.

    Low-quality Questions Examples:

    “What should I do?”

    “Does he love me?”

    “Are they ‘the one’?”

    “Which career path will make me the most money?”

    “Why did this [past event] happen?”

    “How do I make them fall in love with me/ pay me more money?”

    “What will others think if I…?”

    High-quality Question Examples:

    “What is outside my awareness about ___ that I need to know?”

    “How can I discover my soul’s purpose?”

    “What inner work do I need to be doing to attract a true love partner?”

    “Please provide me with clarity as to which direction is beneficial for my highest good and life path potential”

    “In what ways will I be able to overcome ___ to step into my best self?”

    “What do I need to keep in mind when marketing my business to best resonate with my ideal clients?”

    “What’s been blocking me in creating the income I desire? How can I clear those blockages?”

    “What lessons can I learn from ___?”

    “When will I be ready to move forward with ___?”

Enchanted Events

Enchanted Events

Looking to add some magic to your next special event, women’s circle, or virtual retreat?

Enchant your next event with card readings by Jen and give your guests a gift that’s received soul-deep.